Thursday, February 25, 2010

Fantastically Creepy.

Move over David Lynch and make room for this dude.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Jesus! That was Awful!

I often find myself shopping at various religious thrift stores like The Sally Ann, The Christian Women's Thrift Store, etc etc. While I don't usually pay much attention to the music playing in these stores, I am always amazed by the horrible Christian music they blare in some of these shops. And I'm not talking about your typical church stuff like hymns and choirs, I'm talking about contemporary Christian pop music.

Fair enough, if I'm in a religious store I should have to listen to whatever the hell they want in order to get deals on dead people's stuff. I'm fine with that. But shouldn't it be glaringly obvious that the music you're choosing to play in your store completely SUCKS!? I mean, this puke music is so horrible that not even Satan himself could write it.

Truth be told though...I do kind of love it. It's like having a little leprachaun comedian sitting on your shoulder the whole time you shop.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sugar Bush Squirrel.

How can you not LOVE Sugar Bush Squirrel!?
Check out all of the amazingness here at

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Just in Case You Were Wondering...

This guy's truck is a FORD. No, it's not some cheap, imitation Ford. Not no Walmart Ford. It ain't no faux Ford neither, eh? This was made by Ford fuckin' Motors in Canada. Got it?